Friday, March 5, 2010

40 and 157

So today is a day of numbers. I want to say Thank You to all of my followers that has now reached 40! I started this blog at the beginning of my journey, a little over a month ago, hoping to keep track of my progress and the crazy journeys I am planning on having. I never thought I would have many followers and never even imagined that 40 people would want to follow my ramblings!

Okay 157! That is how many days left until I leave! Oh August 9th I really need you to be hear sooner. So me and my roommate Brynn have found two more definite roommates and someone else who wants to room with us but she needs to now find a roommate. I am very excited about finding some roommates!

So I wasn't planning on taking any summer classes but one of my friends convinced me to take a class they only offer in the summer. It is only 4 weeks so it will be over June 12 BUT it is M T W H from 9am-3pm! UHH!! I don't want to take it but I need it! It's Physics for Science and Engineering III. I took the first two about a year ago so hopefully I will be able to remember everything.

Have a Magical Day!

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